Friday, May 28, 2004

Called to truly live...

It is amazing how as Christians we are freed from the bondages of sin and still struggle with it. What is even more amazing is how it has caused us to become so focused on the elimination of sin that we have become paralyzed to the endless possibilities of doing incredible good in this world.

When we arrange our lives around becoming 'sin-free'’, we set ourselves up for passive, mediocre, and restrictive lives. On top of that the Bible tells us that failing to do good is sin in itself (James 4:17). We need to stop aiming for zero and start seeking the 'life to the fullest' that Jesus offers out to us (John 10:10). We need to see holiness as not only what we set ourselves apart from, but what we give our lives to.

Bugs and slugs are alive. As humans we are called to live an extraordinary life to the fullest. Christ promises that this new life of adventure begins with Him.

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