Thursday, March 16, 2006

Free at last...

The last few weeks have been brutal. Work's been busy, school work skyrocketed, and silly me, refused to bail out of any community events.

I can't seem to understand why my productivity never kicks into gear until its the very last minute. It's 2 am and I'm driving out to Ottawa tomorrow morning. I should be tired, but I'm so excited to be finally free!

Here's a few interesting links i've collected as my A.D.D. has acted up during this time of busyness.

Goolge Calendar will be coming out. I've been waiting for this for ages.

Life in the Googleplex photoessay. If I was a tech geek and not going into ministry I would totally find a way to join google.

Malcolm Gladwell just started blogging

Anne Rice - the latest on her and... Johnny Depp? If you haven't read it, definitely check out her latest "Christ our Lord"

Secret Message of Jesus - excerpts from Brian Mclaren's coming book.

Clips of MoleMan - yes the guy from the simpsons

Vox book club - join it - Divine Conspiracy will be our first book in April.

1 comment:

ebrian said...

You know what, I re-took the ADD test recently and it said I didn't have it anymore. Weird huh?