Friday, February 03, 2006

Train ride to Montreal...

I decided to take the ViaRail (the train that connects across Canada) for my business trip to Montreal this week. There's wi-fi acccess onboard and the image of the voxtropolis login screen with the train station came to mind. It's amazing what humans have done to stay connected.

There is something about being on a train. There's a sense that you're multitasking because you're travelling, yet it's incredibly relaxing. You're presented with moving sceneries of nature, cities, and loved-ones hugging as they re-connect at each stop. It also really helps when you're being pampered in 1st class with your every need met... swordfish and filet mignon were on the menu today, incredible.

Here's a picture from of the city from my hotel suite. It's interesting how in the dark, you can only see what the light hits...

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