Thursday, January 19, 2006

Christ, the white, skinny, model...

The Lord's Supper for models

I think I'll be dual posting here and there between blogger and voxtropolis until I can migrate my archives and things get tweaked over there.

A few articles i've stumbled upon recently.

Article from the American Spectator thinks that 2006 might be the worst year for Jesus since 33 A.D. with reports that he was a stoner and the release of the Da Vinci Code movie.

In Italy, someone's taking Jesus to court. He's being charged with impersonation!

The above photo of the Lord's supper by fashion designer Marithe Francois Girbaud was banned
by Milan
. I'm not sure why people were so offended. Can't skinny white models come to Jesus as well? Sometimes we think Jesus only came for the outcast, the lame, and the poor. He also came for the popular, the socially beautiful, and the rich (ie. Matthew the tax collector).

and to go a bit further... if the world was nothing but a bunch of skinny white models (to sterotype, I know every individual is much more than that),

wouldn't Jesus, as the God who reaches down to live and die amongst us, also have come as a skinny, white, model?


Lon said...

Hey Chad, thanks for dropping by. Yeah, i think the new book is coming out feb. 14th... i thought maybe you had an insider's copy...

I'm not sure how I stumbled on the blog... Voxtropolis was formally called iMosaic, and is a community started up by alex mcmanus (erwin's brother) where all are welcome for the purposes of connecting and reaching out... there's a mix of spirituality, art, technology, and dreaming in there as well.

it's still somewhat in buggy, in beta, but you're more than welcome to join!

i'm at and i believe it's opened up for the public to join now here,

ebrian said...

I don't think Jesus would come down as white skinny blonde female model. How would he be able to fit in with the commoners? He would surely be robbed or worse walking around downtown amongst the public's unwanted.

Lon said...

Hey Brian, course not... i was asking that in the hypothetical scope of 'if the world was nothing but a bunch of skinny white models'... there wouldn't be commoners! but course, that's not the world we live in... which explains the way he actually came experiencing acceptance and rejection, being exalted and oppressed, loved and unloved... totally human.