Monday, January 22, 2007

Urbana 2006...

No I didn’t go this year. But Yu-ling’s been doing some live blogging from the event.

If you don’t know what Urbana is, it’s a missions conference with twenty-thousand or so students every few years. See here for streaming videos of the sessions.

In keeping with blogging more this year, I’ll be posting some archived posts as well as some yet-to-be published thoughts / articles.

I’m too embarrassed to post all of it, but here are some excerpts of an article I wrote after returning from Urbana six years ago:

God wants to do something for us, so that he can do something with us. Although He may be sending us to serve on mission, we are still His mission field.

We are called to be worshippers before workers – A.W. Tozer

Often the greatest thing that hinders us from worshipping God is our service to Him. We do not respond to him by our busyness for Him. God simply wants us, as we are, completely. God has enough burnt offerings. Don’t offer the sacrafice of fools. He wants our hearts.

God doesn’t want our worship… If we’re not going to repent. What has God done for us if He hasn’t forgiven us? How can we worship God while clutching on to sin?

Worship is not for the flawless, but for the broken. Worship is for the wounded. Worship is for the sinners; for those that desire God’s mercy.

“If you want to be a part of people’s healing in the future, be a part of people’s healing now. If you want to love and care for people who are different from you in the future, love and care for people who are different from you now. How you live now, will shape how you live in the future” - Susan Cho Van Riesen

Is what you’re living for, worth Jesus dying for?

Latest comments and entries at One Life.

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