Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hot Stuff...

Head down in another paper again... but here's some hot stuff I've stumbled upon while constructively avoiding school work.

Mosaic's began video podcasting!

Windows will run on Mac's now.

Zooomr - Like flickr but seems even slickr.

Criswell Theological Review is now available. Articles from both Mclaren and Driscoll on the emerging church.

"Under the overpass" - dude who voluntarily went homeless for five months and wrote a book about it.

Mary J. Blige and U2 team up to remake "one", see the video here.

Join us at the Vox Book Club as we've just started reading Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard.

And finally, another home made burger shot. It seems like every time people have come over the last while I've cooked these up. My wife loves'em. They just keep getting bigger. The burgers patty alone weight in at about a 1.5lb's.

Cross section of my homemade burger

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