Monday, March 26, 2007

Back from the nation's capital...

That’s the city of Ottawa for my non-Canadian friends. Quite possibly my future home.

As the years go by I’ve felt more tentative about church planting in Ottawa. Although I managed to see some excellent friends there, as well as fellow voxtropolitan Nate, my roots there seem to have shrunken and many people I once knew have moved away. Still, I love the city, and I always love challenges that start from scratch.

Check out the innovation of my mother-in-law. We demanded that she not spend money on a crib for the short time that we were staying there. So instead, she makes one out of an old desk, a headboard, some bungee cords, textbooks, a garbage pail, and some cushions!


Here’s my brother-in-law Norman, with Stellar standing tall


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