Friday, July 07, 2006

Links of the week...

- One voxer ponders the increasing evil in the world...

- If you haven't heard already Buffet's giving away his billions

- Guy Kawasaki's keynote speech on the Art of the the Start

- Download google and youtube videos with this

- inbreaking - Social bookmarking for the emerging church... do we really need a seperate service for this?

- PastorHacks - Productivity tips particularly for those in ministry

- 20 reasons why you should plant a church

- Clips of Mark Driscoll and Tim Keller on the coming DesiringGod conference

- ELI - Emerging Leadership Initiative for church planters. I'm usually assessed as a prime candidate for church planting but didn't fair as great on ELI's. Supposedly I don't have enough experience doing actual church planting. odd.

- The Evolution of Dance - both brilliant and hilarious

- Google Picasa Web Albums. I've mentioned this one before, but I hope enough people get on this that they really invest in creating more features. Here's my current album.

- And finally. Tabblo. I thought this was kind of neat, as it gives you slick templates for storytelling through pictures. Below's an example of one of mine

Will took the plunged and joined me in the monk look for the summer. ... See my Tabblo

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