I dropped in on two other church planting network groups this past week. One was connected with Church Planting Canada out in Bowmanville (don’t ask me where that is).
Very cool, as all the guys here were in the messy midst of the early stages of church planting.
The other group was connected with the resonate, which they call greenhouses in downtown Toronto. Everyone there is in the dreaming and scheming phase of creating new forms of church. Very interesting.
I like the idea of a greenhouse
it makes me think of that overplayed Snow Patrol song, “Chasing Cars”. The one good verse that always sticks with me is where they sing “Show me that garden that’s bursting into life”
I see church planters as people who unleash cities that are bursting into life.
Update: If you haven’t heard it already, here’s an acoustic version of the song.
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