Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I'm pregnant...

Well, i'm not, but my wife sure is pregnant. At first we were hesitant on telling anyone, since all the books and friends seemed to advise to wait at least three months. But we thought about it some more, and felt that keeping it to ourselves would have been more motivated by fear, and all the "what if's", rather than faith, hope, and love.

If anything did happen we'd want our community's prayers and support throughout the process. I can not explain how excited I am!

Here's our little one at 5cm's (The black is liquid, the round circle on the right is his/her big head, and the body's laying across to left). The process of life is so freaking phenomenal.

our baby for the latest entries / comments.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

God is not impressed...

humming birdI was running outside the other day and just soaking up the beauty and creation around me (See my recent post on our 'God soaked world' on the bookclub vox). I came across this incredibly stunning bird and quickly took this picture! Actually, not really, but I sure wish I did. This one was grabbed off of flickr at this dude's site.

My bird was just perched by the side of the road doing a whole lot of nothing. The first thing that came to my mind, besides all its sleek and bright colors, was how that bird better be doing something more than just sitting there and looking pretty. I found myself hoping it knew just how distinct and attractive it was, and how it ought to be doing something spectactular amongst its fellow birds.

Then God spoke into my heart and reminded me that while He loves and embraces me as I am, He is not impressed by my 'colors'. My natural gifts and talents don't blow Him away. After all, He is the One who placed them in me in the first place.

However, what is astounding and marvelous, is when we use, however much or little we have, for the purposes of expanding good, inspiring others, and ultimately serving humanity and honoring God. That's what God applauses, and that's what I'm starting to become more and more impressed by when I look at those around me.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My wife...

getting ready for the journey

She has the most incredible smile.
She makes me melt inside.
She fills her prayers with my name.
She's a creative force, reflecting beauty she can't explain.

She's tasted life she can't get enough of.
She's experienced things she can't help but share.
She's unable to separate what she does and what she believes.
She presses in to bring out the person I was created to be.

She can squeal and squirm at the slightest of discomfort.
She can do battle with darkness and not even flinch.
She can be fragile and broken and easily hurt.
She can make beauty from ashes and life from dirt.

She loves to run, run away, run free, run back to me.
She loves to laugh, at herself, at me, at the simplest things.
She makes me smile and laugh like no one else does.
She warms my soul and makes me more than whole.

She's secretly shy, summoning strength each day to give herself others.
She defends me and celebrates me when I'm not looking.
She takes on my struggles as if they were her own.
She takes on my passions as if they were her own.

and what I can't get over, is that, she gives herself to me, as if she were always mine.

Update: I think there's a chance she might even start occasionally blogging, check out her crazy pic and vox here.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


... has been absolutely wonderful.

posing in an empty sign post on the street

I've been reading again, growing, connecting with people, reflecting, imagining, dreaming and scheming, experimenting, sharing, and enjoying every moment.

I just started messing around with this gmail skin as a firefox extension that allows you to integrate google portal stuff like calendar, flickr, news, etc.

gmail skin2

Up next, a post on my incredibly marvelous wife, yvz.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The world is flat and invisible children...

The world if flat cover

I just finished my last paper for the term, and it looks like there's no appropriate classes I can take in the summer, so I've got a couple months of living and working like a normal person.

I've gotten back on reading. Currently going through "The divine conspiracy", "The secret message Jesus", and I just picked up 'The world is flat" from the library.

A couple early quotes from it.

"Those who get caught in the past and resist change will be forced deeper into commoditization. Those who create value through leadership, relationships and creativity will transform the industry, as well as strengthen relationships with their existing clients."

In a conversation with a leader of an outsourcing firm in India: "We are in the middle of a big technological change, and when you live in a society that is at the cutting edge of that change [like America], it is hard to predict. It's easy to predict for someone living in India. In ten years we are going to be doing a lot of the stuff that is being done in America today. We can predict our future. But we are behind you. You are defining the future."

A lot of this sounds like the usual globalization talk, and sometimes I think there is a perception that this is how things will always be. That developed nations, like America, will constantly lead and innovate while 'helping' other nations through outsourcing while they race ahead. What I believe, and hope Friedman gets to in the book, is that this won't always be the case. If it's true that every soul longs to create, express, dream, and innovate, then in a 'flattening' world, there could come a time, i hope, where every nation leads and innovates, and no person is reduced to a commodity. Sadly, I think the thought of this frightens some people, corporations, and countries.

The Corporation

Speaking of corporations, I know I'm late on this, but I finally watched "The corporation" with Yvonne last night. It really is a must-watch.

Right this moment, we're raping the earth, and one another, and we barely feel a thing.

Invisible Children

We also watched "Invisible Children". I'm completely distrubed by it. Though I am amazed at the type of resiliance and hope these children have with the conditions they live in... especially when I compare them to the punk kids I've come across.

Something in these kids, that I'd like to believe is the image of God in every human being, allows them to still experience glimpses of joy while longing for better days. For them, not being murdered, raped, or abducted is cause of celebration. What does it take to make you celebrate?